The obligation of updated information and training is imposed by:
Law 31/1995, of Prevention of Occupational Risks, in its articles:
Article 18.
Information, consultation and participation of workers.
Article 19.
Training of workers.
Sector and specific regulations.
Why is general and specific information and training necessary?
The law on the prevention of occupational hazards, Law 31/1995, establishes as one of the fundamental principles of preventive action, Information and Training of workers.
The art. 18 stable that, as a minimum, each worker must be informed of:
About the risks to your safety and health.
Prevention measures and activities against these risks.
The planned emergency measures.
The art. 19 establishes that each person receives sufficient and appropriate training at the time of their hiring, such as when there are changes in the functions they perform, or when new technologies or changes are introduced in work teams.
The training must be sufficient and adequate in preventive matters.
In addition, each worker must receive specific training for the functions that they will perform in their job.
This training may be regulated by sectoral regulations.
The main objectives of the courses are:
Establish an information and training system, which allows all workers to have up-to-date training, according to the characteristics of their job position.
Promote up-to-date training, making it compatible with work schedules, being able to take advantage of the less demanding hours, to be able to do them from the workplace.
Facilitate information and training through a system that guarantees sufficient dedication and attention from the worker, by conducting evaluation tests.
Offer the opportunity to train from the company itself, without the need to travel, and to be able to occupy the job at the end of it, printing the justification certificate.
This updated on-line training should be complemented "in situ" by the Prevention Service, at the next scheduled visit.
Each course will adapt its methodology to specific needs, according to the subject and the characteristics of each training.
Training generated with the collaboration of Mining, Industrial, Pedágogo, etc.