Comprehensive Mining Service
We are present throughout the process, so that our clients feel accompanied from beginning to end.
We participate in the investigation, not only of the existence of the mining resource, but of its quality and profitability.
We offer the best extraction solutions, prioritizing profitability not only economic, but also environmental and social.
We design the treatment that each resource needs, to achieve the maximum use, and the highest quality ratios.
We work throughout the life of the extraction, so that the restoration and recovery of the space follow a path parallel to the extraction, guaranteeing the best result, at the lowest cost.

Projects and management
Projects and research management of mining resources.
Projects and management of mining resources exploitation of sections A), B) and C).
Processing of authorization requests for Research Permits, Derivative Concessions, Direct Concessions, Protection Perimeters, ...
Projects and management of mineral treatment and benefit plants.
Projects and management of restoration of mining activities.
Environmental Impact Studies of mining activities.
Processing of applications for authorizations and environmental licenses for mining activities.
Processing of applications for urban licenses and special plans for mining activities.
Safety and Health Documents for mining activities.
Evaluation reports of RD 1215/97, mining machinery and equipment.
CBA in Mining
Coordination of business activities
It is the entrepreneur who owns the mining activity, as long as he has his own workers in the quarry, which Article 10 of RD 171/2004 establishes the obligations of the main employer. If it did not have its own workers, it would be the main contract. The main employer is the most responsible for the coordination and duty of vigilance over the contractor and subcontractor companies that access his workplace.
The ITC 02.0.01 establishes the relationship between the optional management and the coordination of business activities, in section 3, which establishes the functions of the optional management, subsection 3.3.15 and in section 5, subsection 5.2.
It is established that the optional management may be responsible for organizing the means of coordination, yes, complying with the provisions of articles 12 and 13 of RD 171/2004.

The CBA in Mining
From TECMINA we offer you this service, with a specialized CBA digital platform, where you can carry out and control the exchange of all the documentation provided for in RD 171/2004.
We will take care of uploading and delivering to all competing companies, the documentation and information that, as the main company of the work center, must be provided periodically.
We will also take care of requesting and checking the correctness of the documentation and information that each contract and/or subcontractor must provide and that must be uploaded to the digital platform for our review.

The beginning
Over the years we have helped many landowners to understand the value of their subsoil and, of course, to make a profit from it.
We have the experience, knowledge and means to carry out the investigation of any area and of any mineral raw material, the data obtained are what allow us to ensure that the investments will obtain the expected return. Without knowledge, there is no benefit.
We are specialists in carrying out the necessary Partial Plans, to integrate the extractive activity in the POUMs, and obtain the mandatory urban planning licenses.
We have collaborated and collaborate in the drafting of urban plans, contributing our knowledge about the possible existence of mining resources, and helping to configure the urban figures that allow their rational use, taking into account mining planning.
And all this because we are convinced that the success of any exploitation of a mining resource depends on having a good beginning, and the principle is mining research and management.

Once the existence and quality of the mineral resource are known, we have to put all our capacities into designing the best extraction system, according to the characteristics of the deposit and the means available to the mining company.
The use can be open pit or underground workings, as we have said, it will be the deposit and the company's means, together with the characteristics of the environment where we are, which will make us choose one or another method, and within these We will choose the one that best suits our case.
Also, when necessary, we advise on investments in work teams, which represent an improvement over the means available to the company.
Each deposit has its peculiarities, which must be taken into account for its most profitable, safe and environmentally friendly use.

The choice of the starting system will be determined by the characteristics of the material, especially by its hardness, both for mining operations and in construction works. In most cases, blasting will be necessary, and most of these will be considered special blasting.
Our human team has the experience of projecting and directing blasts, under practically all special conditions: large blasts, proximity to structures, presence of electrical supplies, in urban areas, tunnels, etc ...; as well as in all kinds of materials: granites, limestones, sandstones, plasters, marble, etc ... We also have extensive experience in carrying out explosives storage projects, either in powder magazines and / or mini magazines.
We have the technical means necessary for an exhaustive control of the blasting results, so that the vibration values are kept below the safety limits, like the air waves, and at the same time achieve the effects of desired boot and fragmentation.

Treatment and CE Marking
Giving the best treatment to the extracted mineral resources, in order to obtain the best benefit from them, reducing as much as possible the losses due to waste, is one of our greatest concerns, and to which we dedicate many efforts.
Our experience is extensive and throughout these more than 30 years, we have been at the side of our clients to design and improve aggregate crushing and classification plants, with different starting raw materials: river and field gravel, granite, limestone. , sandstones, ...
We have also intervened in the project and improvement of factories of concrete and hydraulic and dry mortars, ceramics, plaster, workshops for cutting and carving of ornamental rock, etc ...
We offer our services and advice for the creation and implementation of the CE marking process for final products, as a guarantee of quality and uniformity in the products sold.

Dumps and Waste
The improvement of the mining technique over the last few years has made it possible to treat waste dumps, made up of materials that could not be used in the past, and turn them into raw materials, proceeding to use them.
Designing and directing the construction of mining sludge settling basins, and the most appropriate treatment for the mining and industrial waste generated, are other of our comprehensive services to mining.

Deposits and Recycling RCD
We design and manage facilities for the treatment of construction and demolition waste, RCD.
Using mining treatment facilities, with the appropriate modifications, to recycle RCD, gives added value to them.
Occupy extraction holes as RCD deposits, with the corresponding project, to carry them out with all environmental guarantees.

Water as a mining resource, water as a natural resource.
This precious and essential asset is also very important to us for life and human development.
That is why we participate in the entire process, from its investigation, use, distribution and debugging.
Our engineering was born with water wells and continues to have an important space in our activity.

Drones and Mining
Drones and mining make a good couple.
Drones were introduced in the mining for topographic updates, obtaining great results, both due to the speed of operations and the quality of the results, in addition to facilitating measurements in inaccessible places.
We have expanded the services with stock control, increasing the reliability of measurements and knowing the existing volumes in greater detail.
They allow us the safe control and inspection of work fronts with the appearance of instability or difficult access.
And much more.
We like to enjoy fireworks, we like society to enjoy fireworks, but safely.
We are trained to train experts in the use of fireworks F, P and T.
We are technicians in the elaboration of Security, Emergency and PAU Plans.
We design and advise on the authorizations of fireworks warehouses and fixed and temporary premises for the sale of fireworks

Mining grants and rights contests
We care that our clients can benefit from the annual subsidies that the administration offers to improve safety and environmental protection conditions in mining activities.
We take care of preparing the application and justification reports for the investment made.
Periodically, the regional governments have to tender expired mining rights, as regulated by the Mining Law .
Our services range from guiding the client on which mining right to present the contest; to prepare the reports and projects to be attached; as well as to advise on the presentation of the contest envelopes.