We have the best system for the safe interlocking of machinery, workplaces and equipment: interlocking by key transfer.
All of us who work closely with the safety of people, of workers, know that there is a type of accident, usually serious, that occurs in the maintenance and / or repair of machinery and equipment.
Many of these accidents are due to an unexpected start or start-up of the equipment being handled.
To avoid this, the most effective way is the use of a device for consigning, blocking or interlocking, which must be included in all industrial and energy projects.
There are different systems, devices and interlocking or interlocking methods, from the simple padlock to the more sophisticated key transfer interlocking systems. In all systems, it must be guaranteed that the power supply of the equipment where it is to act is disconnected for the duration of the work.
The device must be used under a procedure established and agreed upon between the company and the workers, which indicates who should use it and under what conditions, as well as the responsibilities of custody of the left-luggage keys and permits for their use.
Some examples where we consider that interlocking systems are necessary are:
Action on systems that use electricity.
Action on equipment that has moving parts, which have to be released from their protection to carry out maintenance, repair, etc ...
Action on jammed and / or jammed mechanisms.
Action in conductive pipes of toxic, dangerous substances, at high pressure, at high temperature, etc ...
Any other that may affect the safety of the workers involved, due to accidental activation of the power supplies.
Interlocking systems can also be used to prevent unauthorized use or access to work equipment or hazardous locations, such as:
Remove the keys from vehicles that require specialization for their use.
Cut off the power supply in specific areas.
Establish doors with special locks in access to potentially dangerous areas or that require the use of special protective equipment.
TECMINA can offer companies one of the best and safest systems for carrying out the consignment or interlocking of equipment, vehicles, pipes, or dangerous areas.
The key transfer interlocking system that we represent, guarantees the effective shutdown of the power supply source, before acting on the dangerous work equipment. This guarantees that the operator will have the access key to the work equipment, only if he has previously cut off the power supply, since it is the same key that he must use in both operations.
In addition to being the best system to guarantee the safety of workers, it can also be used for logistics management, both to prevent unauthorized personnel from using vehicles, and to ensure that a certain cargo vehicle can only be loaded or unloaded in the designated silo or pipeline, avoiding mistakes that cost a company so much money.
We attach the link where you can expand the information, and we remain at your disposal to explain in detail and show you the interlocking equipment in your own facilities.
We have the best system for the safe interlocking of machinery, workplaces and equipment: interlocking by key transfer.

We have the best system for excavation and roundabout of rocks and concrete without explosives.
The system consists of a substance designed to generate a large amount of expanding gases, with a small amount of product. It does not contain gunpowder or other explosive matter. Its breaking capacity resides solely in the generation and expansion of gases, thereby eliminating the collateral effects caused by the pressure wave, due to its low reaction speed and shock wave propagation.
It is a new system for breaking rocks, concrete and any civil structure that can be drilled. Its field of application is like this, any of the works that are currently being carried out using explosives, hydraulic hammers or expansive cements.
We have a faster, more efficient and cheaper alternative than the use of hydraulic hammers and / or expansive cement.
It will also be an alternative to the use of explosives, as long as the work is close to a particularly sensitive area, due to the vicinity of buildings, facilities, historical structures, etc ..., which could be affected by projections, vibrations, as well as noise.
It will also be an alternative when the volume of work to be carried out is small or its urgency does not allow the long processing of the authorization for the use of explosives.

We have the best system for excavation and roundabout of rocks and concrete without explosives.